I’m super passionate about connecting humans with each other. Technology – that’s my life’s passion and purpose. Call it a mission if you want.
James Tamplin

James Tamplin is an incredibly interesting person to talk and listen to. His wide array of knowledge on technology and software production is impressive, along with his ability to create new companies – four at last count.
James was the co-founder of Firebase, a set of tools that software engineers use to build iOS, Android and web apps. Firebase was acquired by Google with James’s help, and it remains one of Google’s flagship app development programs.
James left after the acquisition however and now works on a multitude of projects. Notably, during Covid, he helped create the website COVID Act Now which was paramount for both the government and everyday people in those rough times. He’s also one of the founding partners of Founder Collective, a VC fund for founders.
Just a note before you listen, we had some internet connection issues during the recording, so my apologies for the audio glitches.
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Show Notes
- 60 second summary of who he is
- Growing up in the UK and Minnesota
- A passion for connecting people via technology
- Some speculation on where tech is going over the next few years
- Expect shifts in social media
- Key skills
- On leadership and creating a work culture
- Growing is a daunting challenge
- Letting go after selling to Google
- COVID Act Now
- Taking time off
- See the full transcript for more
Links and Resources
James Tamplin on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Tamplin.net
Founder Collective
Andrew Lee
Jared Friedman
Max Henderson
links here